Who Is Eligible For the NDIS?

The primary purpose of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is to offer both flexibility and proper funding that can meet their participants’ needs and requirements, rather than offering generic solutions that may not be suitable for everyone.

With this in mind, the NDIS is designed to cover all reasonable and necessary supports. In other words, your NDIS funding can be used to pay for services, products, and assistive devices that will help you become a more functional and independent person within your community. The exact type of support you need and what exactly the NDIS covers depends, of course, on your unique situation. No two NDIS funding plans look the same, and there isn’t a set amount of funding for each participant, which is something that makes funding provided through the NDIS truly unique to each individual participant.

Your initial plan runs for a full year (12 months), and once those 12 months are over, it will be reviewed by the NDIS to determine whether or not you are actually getting enough funding in order to achieve your goals. But keep in mind that you can also ask for your plan to be reviewed at any time if you think that the funding you currently receive is not sufficient. When you meet with your NDIS representative or Local Area Coordinator for the first time, they will ask you questions in regards to your daily support needs, and in regards to the way you manage your daily life. But before you get in touch, you should make sure that you are, in fact, eligible for NDIS support.

How To Know If You Are Eligible For the NDIS?

First of all, in order to access all the services that NDIS has to offer, you must live in an area that is covered by the NDIS. You must also have a physical or mental disability that reduces your ability to participate in certain activities or perform certain tasks or actions. Simply put, you must have a recognised disability that affects your capacity for both economic and social participation. Apart from that, you must also either live in Australia, be the holder of a permanent resident visa, or be the holder of a special kind of visa called Protected Special Category Visa. It is very important to note that you cannot be more than 65 years old either.

We can help you with the process and answer any NDIS-related questions for you. Click below to chat with us or call our free hotline on 1800 797 863

Our friendly team can tell you exactly what you need to do to get through the NDIS planning process.



Are You Already Receiving Disability Funding Support From Some Other Source?

If you are already receiving disability funding support from a different source, we can help you to look at your individual goals and needs to ensure you don’t miss out.

If you are unsure about your eligibility or have any questions regarding the NDIS, give us a call on our free hotline to discuss your needs: 1800 797 863.

You can also have a browse through our Frequently Asked Questions to see if we might have already answered your question.

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